Codific mvc567

mvc567 is a high performance, open-source ASP.NET Core-based web application platform. It provides CMS functionality to its users.

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CRUD pages

The main feature of mvc567 is the content management system integrated into the admin panel. The platform allows developers to create very customizable CRUD pages related to database entities. To create a CRUD page you have to do:

Create admin entity controller

These controllers are entity related admin controllers. You could check how to create Admin Entity Controller on Admin controllers section.

Define entity DTO’s properties for CRUD actions

The platform gives you the opportunity to skip the front-end creation while creating CRUD pages but you have to define which CRUD actions are going to be available for the entity. This availability is possible by using the attribute decorators. They are as follows:

Table view action

To allow a property to be shown on table view you must decorate the DTO property with TableCellAttribute. This attribute has a constructor which require the order of the property in the table (int), name of the property for table header (string) and type of visualization in table (enum TableCellType). Available table cell types are as follows:

Detailed view action

To allow a property to be shown in the detailed view you must decorate the DTO property with DetailsOrderAttribute. This attribute’s constructor requires just order (int) in the details sheet.

Create/modify view action

To allow property be shown on create/modify forms you must decorate the DTO property with CreateEditEntityInputAttribute and the DTO class must inherit CreateEditEntityViewModel. This attribute’s constructor requires name of the property (string) used for input label and input type (enum CreateEntityInputType). The available input types are:

DatabaseEnumAttribute is a class that provide direct access to database table records. This attribute must be set up with a type of the desired database entity and name of the desired property
In addition, it is recomended to decorate the Id of the DTO with EntityIdentifierAttribute which will be used in future versions features.

Example DTO could be found in the platform’s repository.

Disable unnecessary actions

In case you do not need some of the available actions in Admin Entity Controller you could stop them by set the action related flag to false. By default, each flag is set to true:

protected bool HasGenericCreate { get; set; } = true;
protected bool HasDetails { get; set; } = true;
protected bool HasEdit { get; set; } = true;
protected bool HasDelete { get; set; } = true;

The best place where you can set different value to the flag is the constructor of the controller.

Append actions to items

By default, each item from the table view has details, edit and delete actions. In addition to them, you might want to add other action related to each item separately. To that you have to add additional action by using the virtual method TableViewActionsInit which is part of AbstractEntityController:

protected override void TableViewActionsInit(refList<TableRowActionViewModel> actions)
    base.TableViewActionsInit(ref actions);
    actions.Insert(1, TableMapper.CreateAction(

Action creation required two elements:

For action creation, you can use the static class TableMapper which allows you to create action easier than normal. Each action requires:

Append global entity actions

By default, each table view contains one global action Create which is part of the CRUD actions. In case when you want add additional action you can use virtual method InitNavigationActionsIntoListPage which is part of AbstractEntityController:

protected override void InitNavigationActionsIntoListPage(refAllEntitiesViewModel model)
    base.InitNavigationActionsIntoListPage(ref model);
    model.NavigationActions.Add(new NavigationActionViewModel
        Name = "View Sitemap",
        ActionUrl = "/sitemap.xml",
        Icon = MaterialDesignIcons.Sitemap,
        SeparatePage = true

where the additional action is represented by the NavigationActionViewModel:

Property Type Description
Name string Name of the action
Icon string Icon of the action. You can use the static class MateriaDesignIcons
ActionUrl string Target URL of the action
SeparatePage bool Flag that indicates whether the action to be opened on the same page or not
Method HttpMethod HTTP method of the action
Parameters Dictionary<string, string> Parameters for actions with POST HTTP methods
HasConfirmation bool Flag that show or not popup for POST HTTP method-based actions.
ConfirmationTitle string Title of the visualized confirmation popup.
ConfirmationMessage string Message for the visualized confirmation popup.

To use the search bar of table view you must set up a single attribute with the properties you want to use as search criteria. All you need to do is to decorate the properties with SearchCriteraAttribute on the target database entity:

public class Log : AuditableEntityBase
    [Column(TypeName = "ntext")]
    public string StackTrace { get; set; }

    public string Source { get; set; }

    public string Message { get; set; }

    public string Method { get; set; }

    public string Class { get; set; }